James Brock Scholarship
If you have students that will attend Daytona State College, Florida International University, Florida State University or University of Central Florida in the fall, they are eligible to apply for the James Brock Scholarship. This scholarship is available for your graduating seniors and for former students as well.
In order to be eligible for this scholarship the applicant must:
- Be enrolled at Daytona State College, Florida International University, Florida State University, or University of Central Florida
• Be entering or continuing in a culinary or hospitality post-secondary program — Fall 2017 term
• Return an OFFICIAL transcript to FRLAEF by application deadline
The scholarship amount fluctuates from year to year. The typical scholarship ranges from $1,000 to $2,500. This is a one-time, non-renewable award.
Application deadline: Friday, July 21, 2017
Applicants notified award status by: Friday, September 22, 2017
CLICK HERE for the online application
Some teachers have expressed interest in beginning their Hospitality Industry Internship (HII) in the summer. Due to our grant cycle, we are unable to begin the application process until July. So Be On the Lookout (BOLO) for the application link some time in July.
There will be no application deadline–we will take applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. We will give HII awardees until March 2018 to finish their Internship.
To qualify for an HII, the instructor must teach the HTMP curriculum during the 2017-2018 school year. If you are already employed at a hotel, you MAY NOT use that site for your internship. The hotel must be a new work experience for you, not somewhere you have worked before or used as an HII internship location.
The HII provides the opportunity for Florida HTMP instructors to work in a lodging establishment for at least 40 hours. At the completion of 40 work hours, the HII participant will complete a Work Activities Report and Restaurant/Hotel Confirmation Form. Once the required paperwork has been processed, the participant will receive a personal check for $600 from the FRLAEF. Work experience may begin once the applicant receives an award letter from the FRLAEF.
The application link will come by email. If you are unable to receive your school email during the summer and are interested in this opportunity, please send Amy Parker your personal email address.
CHI Scholarships Available
The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) revised its Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) designation to bring the study materials in line with the high school curriculum, as well as to make preparing for the certification exam more convenient and flexible for teachers.
Professional certifications have become a requirement for many secondary school teachers and workforce instructors. The Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) provides teachers in secondary school hospitality classes and workforce development programs with a solid foundation of hospitality knowledge and skills, so they can more effectively convey the information to students and better prepare them for careers in hospitality. Prospective CHI candidates may teach one of EI’s hospitality programs, including the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program (HTMP), Skills, Tasks, And Result Training (START), or any other secondary-level hospitality curriculum.
EI has revised the CHI learning format from a series of three on-site summer institutes to a two-level self-study program that includes print resources and online study modules presented by Michael “Doc” Terry, CHE, a hospitality instructor at the University of Central Florida’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management. Each level consists of 13 modules with an online exam that must be passed with a score of 70 percent or higher. The learning modules relate to the content presented in EI’s new, two-year high school curriculum, the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program (HTMP). Candidates must also complete a 120-hour hospitality internship to earn the certification. Certification candidates have six months to complete the program requirements. No travel is required under the new learning format.
The cost for the certification program is $750.00, which includes both books, the online courses, and the exams.
For those teachers who have taken one or two of the old CHI levels:
• Taken CHI Level 1 only – must still complete new Level 2, exempt from Level 1.
• Taken CHI Levels 1 and 2, but not 3 – must still complete new Level 2, exempt from Level 1.
• Taken CHI Levels 2 and/or 3, but not 1 – must still complete new Level 1, exempt from Level 2.
The FRLAEF will cover the training costs for each of the CHI Scholarship recipients.
More information can also be found here.
FRLAEF Scholarship Award Winners–DEADLINE THIS MONTH!
Please remind your FRLAEF and HTMP Competition Scholarship winners they have until June 16, 2017 to send us the required information to redeem their scholarship.
SCHOLARSHIP REDEMPTION Student must be pursuing a degree in culinary arts or hospitality. This scholarship is contingent upon the FRLAEF receiving verification you are enrolled in a post-secondary institution. This is confirmed when you email us your Student ID Number and the Financial Aid mailing address of your school. Once we receive the verification, we will mail your scholarship check to your school and they will deposit it into your account.
ServSafe Pass Rate Problems?
Several schools have contacted us recently expressing concern and frustration with their ServSafe pass rate. We have put some information together to help you become more familiar with how ServSafe testing works.
FOOD CODE ServSafe exam questions come from the FDA Food Code. As you will see at the link, the Food Code is a 768-page legal-type document. If your students tell you there was a question on the ServSafe exam they had never seen before, it is because ServSafe used the Food Code to develop the ServSafe exam question bank. The material included in the ServSafe Manager books “covers the most critical principals of food safety”, according to servsafe.com.
BEST PRACTICE: Don’t limit your teaching to the ServSafe Manager book. We have a Best Practice page that includes free videos, practice exams, foodsafety activities and exercises, and much more.
NEW EDITION Available May 8th, the new book will reflect the most recent Job Task Analysis (JTA). Every 5 years, food safety experts help complete a new JTA which identifies the key requirements of a food protection manager.
The updated ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Exam, based on the new JTA, will not be released until August. To assist you in the transition of teaching the 6th (6R) edition content and the updated 7th edition content, they created a bridge document that will be available on ServSafe.com on May 8th.
APPEAL A QUESTION! Due to the continuing feedback from examinees regarding the ServSafe exam questions, ServSafe has provided us with the following mechanism to report this back to them.
CLICK HERE for the ServSafe Appeal Form. Any time a student reports a bad question to you, have the examinee complete the form and then submit to ServSafe.
Interesting Links in the Hospitality + Tourism World
- Beyond the Beach: Marriott Reveals Top Summer Travel Trends
- The Psychology Behind Luxury Employee Training Programs
- The Secret to Giving Hotel Guests What They Want
- 10 Hot Hotels That Opened Last Month
- Expedia CEO Shares the Critical Traits To Develop By Age 30
HTMP Marketing Piece Available
The FRLAEF has developed a marketing piece for HTMP that is designed to explain the program to parents and potential classroom mentors or sponsors.
These pieces are perfect for an Open House for your program or showcasing your program in the community. If you are interested in some, please let us know. If possible, please give us two weeks lead time.
The piece is pictured at right. Click on image to open full size.