14th Annual Florida HTMP Competition–Deadline This Month
The 14th Annual HTMP Competition will take place Sunday, March 5, and Monday, March 6, 2017 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando. The FRLAEF will cover some costs of the competing teams, including hotel stay and meals. Competition rules will be available in the September.
PARTICIPATION To be eligible to compete, the school must 1) have purchased and be using the Year One and Year Two HTMP curriculum 2) have returned a Fall HTMP Survey to FRLAEF and 3) complete the competition application. Please do not submit an application unless you meet these requirements.
CLICK HERE for the competition application.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, October 14, 2016
APPLICANTS NOTIFIED STATUS: Friday, October 21, 2016
FRLAEF Regional Workshops–Deadline This Month
The FRLAEF is offering two Regional Workshops this fall for HTMP schools. HTMP teachers may bring up to ten students to each event. There is no fee to attend a Regional Workshop. Lunch will be provided for all attendees at each event. Travel to and from events is on your own.
If Regional Workshops reach maximum capacity prior to the deadline, all subsequent schools will be placed on the waiting list. Events begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 1:00 pm.
Registration ends on Friday, October 7, 2016.
CLICK HERE for more information and to register!
Mini Grants
The FRLAEF Board met last week and awarded $80,000 in Mini Grant Funds. If you applied, you will be notified of your award by October 7, 2016. Funds must be spent no later than November 18, 2016.
Once you receive your award email, we will be happy to order your materials for you. You may also choose to use your own purveyor and send us the receipt for reimbursement. All details will be in the award email.
Hospitality Industry Internships–Deadline This Month
The Hospitality Industry Internship (HII) provides the opportunity for Florida HTMP instructors to work in a lodging establishment for at least 40 hours. At the completion of 40 work hours, the HII participant will receive a check for $600 from the FRLAEF.
To qualify for an internship, the instructor must teach the HTMP curriculum during the 2016-2017 school year. The goal of the HII is to provide the instructor an opportunity to learn fresh skills in a new setting. If you are currently employed at a hotel, you MAY NOT use that site for your internship. The hotel must also be a new work experience for you, not somewhere you have worked before or used as a past HII internship location. Work experience may begin once the applicant receives an award letter from the FRLAEF.
If you are awarded an internship and do not complete the required work component, you will be ineligible to receive an internship for the 2017-2018 school year. The applicant must secure a position at a lodging facility where a minimum of 40 hours of hands-on experience is guaranteed. The host location may pay the recipient but is not required to do so.
AWARD NOTIFICATION: October 21, 2016
CLICK HERE to fill out the online application.
FRLAEF Student of the Year
The FRLA Hospitality Stars of the Industry Gala took place on September 28, 2016 in Orlando. It was an FRLA event that recognized Florida’s Chef of the Year, Hotel General Manager of the Year, Hotel Employee of the Year, Restaurant General Manager of the Year, Restaurant Employee of the Year and Educational Foundation Student of the Year.
A panel of judges selected the top nominee in each category. The panel consisted of restaurateurs, hoteliers and allied members. The top three students were recognized during the Gala.
FRLAEF STUDENT OF THE YEAR–SOFIA SLIMAK Sofia Slimak is currently a Junior at Mainland High School in Daytona Beach. She has been a member of the Academy of Hospitality and Culinary Arts since winter of her Freshmen year. The academy she is involved in is a Gold Star ProStart program. She has been a head manager for the past two years, and is now the academy ambassador. She is instrumental in running the catering that funds the program. This involves planning, customer communication, shopping, and training student groups. She was drawn to the by her interest in logistics and management. On top of culinary, Sofia is highly involved with other school activities. She is a lead in the Technology Empowerment Center to help evolve technology integration in public schools. She is also a Captain of the robotics team and the Vice President of the Technology Student Association. As a Captain of the Academic Club, she organized numerous events such like BUCTalks (which is much like the famous TED Talks) and organizing the Academic Team tournament county wide. On top of school, Sofia works as a hostess and server assistant at Rose Villa, a local restaurant.
Jose Murillo, Inlet Grove Community High School, Riviera Beach
Tyler Chaffin, Belleview High School, Belleview
Hospitality + Travel Links of Interest
To grab (and keep!) new customers, hotels need to get back to genuine hospitality
Five ways chatbots could change the hotel industry
Independent hotels are best placed for industry challenges
Salute to Excellence Awards Dinner
The Salute to Excellence Awards will take place the evening of Saturday, March 4, 2017 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando. The awards dinner will recognize all ProStart Competition, Pineapple Award, Scholarship recipients and Hospitality Excellence Awards winners. All Florida HTMP instructors and competing HTMP students will receive a complimentary ticket to attend the dinner. Scholarship recipients and Hospitality Excellence Award recipients receive complimentary tickets as well.