How To “Be A Fuel For Good”

While it always feels satisfying in the moment to receive gifts or do things for yourself, most people would agree helping others provides the ultimate gratification. This is why Gas South has built giving back into the core of our company and who we are, recognizing that everything we do should further our mission to “Be A Fuel For Good.” From a corporate level, we’ve seen the incredible impact this has had on our culture, so here is our three-step guide to giving back:


Identify a Cause

There are so many people that need help in the world, while we wish we could have an impact on everything and everyone, it simply isn’t possible. That’s why it’s important to identify a cause you are passionate about as a starting point. At Gas South, our “North Star” is helping children in need, which provides a clear focus and directive when seeking organizations to support.


Quantify Your Gift

When it comes to monetary contributions, create a benchmark or goal to dictate your impact. Considering how revenue can fluctuate, we recommend dedicating a consistent percentage of your annual profits to your cause. At Gas South, we pledge to share 5% of our annual profits with children in need, so everyone in the organization knows our commitment level to the community. We are incredibly proud to have given more than $7.5 million to our charitable partners since 2005.


Time is Money

Donating money is an important component of giving back, but when it comes to truly enriching your team, nothing beats the hands-on experience of helping others. Aligning your employees with the cause you are supporting will further connect them to each other and the community, so when deciding where to donate money, don’t forget to look for organizations that provide opportunities to volunteer and lend a literal helping hand to others. At Gas South, our employees have volunteered nearly 1,600 volunteer hours in the last two years alone.


Considering the challenges presented by COVID-19 over the past 18 months, there have never been as many people in need as there are right now. And while giving back is the moral thing to do, it also provides tangible benefits for individuals and the organizations that unite them. That’s why Gas South constantly strives to “Be A Fuel For Good,” and it is our sincere hope others follow our steps to success and get more engaged with the communities we all serve.