Are You Living Active Managerial Control or “Oh No! the Inspector’s Here?”

As former head of Florida’s restaurant licensing and inspection system, I get frequent inquiries from food service operators that have either had a poor inspection, or are struggling to avoid one.

My response to these folks always starts with a question: “Can you tell me about your food safety system?” Too often that is met with awkward silence.  The reality is, it’s not that hard.  An effective food safety system starts with Active Managerial Control, which is just a fancy way to say “managers are managing.”

The formal definition of Active Managerial Control is “the purposeful incorporation of specific actions or procedures by industry management into the operation of their business to attain control over foodborne illness risk factors.”

Operationally, this means restaurant managers – and supervisors, key employees, shift leaders – anyone in charge of food receiving, storage, preparation or service, emphasize preventive rather than reactive thinking to drive food safety.

Active Managerial Control occurs when a methodical approach is in place to control food safety risk factors, all employees are trained on it, and persons-in-charge observe, coach, correct, and ensure the behavior needed to execute food safety.  Most importantly, this occurs every shift, every day – not just when the inspector is expected.

Many tools and resources are available to learn and implement Active Managerial Control.  Contact the FRLA Education & Training Department to start living it, protect your business and guests, and avoid your “Oh, %@#&!” moment.

geoff l headshot – Geoff Luebkemann, VP of Education and Training