- Mini Grant Application–September 18, 2015
- FRLA Show Spreadsheets–As space allows or until September 30, 2015
Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show
The Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show will take place Tuesday October 6 — Thursday, October 8, 2015 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. HTMP instructors are welcome to attend free of charge all three days of the Show. Below are the guidelines for student attendees.
HTMP students may attend the 2015 Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show as long as the guidelines below are followed. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in expulsion from the Show floor. There is alcohol on the show floor. Please keep this in mind when selecting your students.
•Attending students must be at least 16 years of age. Students must provide proof of age. •There must be one chaperone for every 5 students. The chaperones must be within eye-sight of the students. Chaperones must be at least 21 years old. •No more than a total of 10 students may attend from one school. •No more than 5 students and 1 chaperone may walk the show floor together. If all 10 students and 2 chaperones walk the Show floor together, they may be escorted off the show floor. •Students must be dressed in business attire or chef attire.REGISTER
Students and chaperones may attend the show one of the three days (Tuesday–Thursday). There is no fee to attend. To register, complete THIS SPREADSHEET and return to [email protected]. The spreadsheets will be processed as they are received. Only a limited number of student spreadsheets will be processed. Once that number is reached no more spreadsheets will be processed. Any spreadsheets received after September 30, 2015 will not be processed.
TEACHER REGISTRATION FOR SHOW (use this registration if you would like to attend without students)
Go to Attendee Registration
Non-Member Registration
On the second screen, after you’ve entered mailing information, on the “Attendee Type” screen (select buyer/not buyer) there is a box that says “If you have a Discount Code please enter it here”.
Enter the code FRLA.
At the bottom of the very last screen, under “Transaction Detail” you will see the payment amount automatically calculates to $0.
ServSafe During the FRLA Show
The FRLAEF is offering the ServSafe review class and exam on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 during the FRLA Show. The exam review class begins at 9:00 am at the Orange County Convention Center. The exam begins at 2:00 pm after a break. FRLAEF will cover the cost of the review class and exam for HTMP and ProStart instructors. Click here to register. You must use this link to get free registration. Deadline is Friday, September 18, 2015. Examinees will be taking the paper/pencil version of the exam.
Mini Grants
The FRLAEF is offering $80,000 in Mini Grant funding this year to HTMP and ProStart schools. There is no fixed amount forindividual grant awards, but to assist your planning, the average award last year was $735.
There are two prerequisites for grant funding: 1) you must currently teach the HTMP curriculum, and 2) you must return your HTMP Fall Survey.
The FRLAEF Board of Directors prefers to fund items that will make your classroom self-sustaining. If a piece of equipment is requested, it should be something that will be used frequently throughout the year.
The application deadline is Friday, September 18, 2015.
Click here for the online Mini Grant application.
GRANT AWARD NOTIFICATION: October 16, 2015. If awarded, funds must be spent no later than November 20, 2015.
Thirteenth Annual Florida HTMP Competition
The 13th Annual HTMP Competition will take place Sunday, February 6 and Monday, February 7, 2016 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando. The FRLAEF will cover some costs of the competing teams, including hotel stay and meals. Complete rules and details will be available as soon as the International HTMP Competition rules are released.
PARTICIPATION To be eligible to compete, the school must 1) have purchased and be using the Year One and Year Two HTMP curriculum 2) have returned a Fall HTMP Survey to FRLAEF and 3) complete the competition application. Please do not submit an application unless you meet these requirements.
Click Here for the competition application.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, October 16, 2015
APPLICANTS NOTIFIED STATUS: Friday, October 23, 2015
HTMP Curriculum & Fall Survey
The FRLAEF will distribute free HTMP curriculum to Florida HTMP schools during the 2015-2016 school year. The lodging curriculum will be distributed to schools that return the Fall HTMP Survey. FRLAEF will work with each school to determine the materials purchased.
Click here to take the online Fall HTMP Survey. It is due no later than Friday, September 18, 2015.
At the end of the Fall HTMP Survey, you will have the opportunity to select $500 of free HTMP curriculum. If you are unfamiliar with the components, click here to learn more.
AHLEI Ends Pearson Relationship
Pearson is no longer the distributor of the HTMP or START materials. The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) is again handling the sales of the materials. Orders for these materials can be placed directly with the FRLAEF. We accept Purchase Orders, credit cards or checks.
Hospitality Industry Internships
The Hospitality Industry Internship (HII) provides the opportunity for Florida HTMP instructors to work in a foodservice establishment for at least 40 hours. At the completion of 40 work hours, the HII participant will receive a personal check for $600 from the FRLAEF.
To qualify for an internship, the instructor must teach the HTMP curriculum during the 2015-2016 school year. The goal of the HII is to provide the instructor an opportunity to learn fresh skills in a new setting. If you are already employed at a hotel or restaurant, you MAY NOT use that site for your internship. The hotel or restaurant must also be a new work experience for you, not somewhere you have worked before or used as a past HII internship location.
Work experience may begin once the applicant receives an award letter from the FRLAEF.
If you are awarded an Internship and do not complete the required work component, you will be ineligible to receive an internship for the 2016-2017 school year. The applicant must secure a position at a foodservice facility where a minimum of 40 hours of hands-on experience is guaranteed. The host location may pay the recipient but is not required to do so.
AWARD NOTIFICATION: October 23, 2015
Click here to fill out the online application.
Salute to Excellence Awards Dinner
The Salute to Excellence Awards will take place the evening of Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando. The awards dinner will recognize all Pineapple Award, Scholarship recipients, Hospitality Excellence Awards winners and ProStart Competition winners. All Florida HTMP instructors receive a complimentary ticket to attend the dinner. Scholarship recipients and Hospitality Excellence Award recipients receive complimentary tickets as well.
HTMP Crosswalk
If you have created a crosswalk between the HTMP curriculum and the Florida State Standards and are willing to share, please contact us.