Bob Dearden has served as Chief Financial officer of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) since 2002, with responsibility for the financial stewardship of the more than 10,000-member association, its educational foundation, its three political action committees, and its Regulatory Compliance Services (RCS).
Dearden has a 35-year career in accounting, with his first position as Controller for a regional, Florida-based HMO, HealthPlan Southeast. Subsequently, he entered state government and held numerous accounting and auditing posts, including the development and oversight of an audit unit for the State of Florida’s Comptroller’s Office. Dearden also served as the Director of Audit for the Florida Department of Children and Families.
Dearden has served on both Federal and State of Florida boards, councils and task forces, including the Federal Reserve Advisory Council for travel and tourism, Florida Tax Watch Board of Trustees, and Florida’s Department of State Business Identity Theft Task Force.
He is a graduate of Florida State University with degrees in accounting and finance. In his spare time, Dearden is an avid golfer and has qualified for multiple statewide Championship Tournaments through the Florida State Golf Association.