Navigating COVID-19 and Its Impact/Aftermath: Take Control With Whole Person Wellness

“Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – The World Health Organization


  • Stress influences many hormones, including cortisol, that impact the production of antibodies & extra stress on the pituitary and adrenal glands leaving us immunocompromised.
  • According to many studies, the most common health problem in the world is depression, often manifested in the form of insomnia, stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, obesity, and heart disease.
  • Social relationships have an impact on our mental health, physical health and mortality risk. Sociologists have identified a link between social relationships and health outcomes. Many studies show that social relationships, both quality and quantity, have short and long-term effects on our health.
  • Loneliness can kill. A person who is lonely is 50% more likely to die prematurely than a person who has healthy social relationships. Loneliness can reduce a person’s immune system and cause inflammation in the body which can lead to heart disease and other chronic conditions. Without social or emotional support, stress can place a bigger toll on a person’s health. –Psychology Today


The Cost of Burnout is High:  How Do We Recover?


  • Know your stress signals & triggers

Pay attention throughout the day to your ups and downs, periods of flatness, low energy, agitation, sadness, lack of concentration, lack of motivation, hopelessness, feeling lack of control, grief, inability to accomplish and deliver what we usually can, exhaustion, “I have nothing left to give anyone”, irritability, etc.


  • Recognize your level of agitation/heightened emotional state and take corrective action to manage in real time as it occurs or as soon afterwards as feasible.


  • Choose effective recovery strategies to quiet the mind, relax the body and bring yourself back to a place of restoration.


Focus on right brain activities:

  • Sensory
  • Appreciation / gratitude
  • At the moment awareness / mindfulness
  • Not goal-directed


Give some thought to YOU:

Make time for these things daily – even a few minutes throughout the day changes our physiology and makes us stronger physically and mentally.


  • What gives you a measure of peace?
  • What relaxes you?
  • What makes you feel great or at least good?
  • What gives you joy?
  • What restores you?


Assess and focus on what really matters to you in life and work: what can you get rid of? What can you work around? What can be put off?


Here is what others are doing:


·       Turn off the news  
·       Read a book  
·       Listen to music  
·       Take a break from social media  
·       Learn how to control your breathing  
·       Grounding:try to relax as you lie flat on your back on the floor  
·       Get outside  
·       Move your head and body  
·       Practice mindfulness  
·       Learn to meditate (Headspace, Sanvello, Calm)  
·       Try yoga  
·       Journal  
·       Laugh (stimulates lungs, heart and endorphins)  
·       Exercise  


·       Spend time with an animal
·       Hug more (those in your household during COVID)
·       Ask others how they are feeling
·       Connect with others virtually
·       Focus on giving if you are able
·       Mindfully focus on every single simple activity and the accompanying feeling of accomplishment
·       Start & end the day with gratitude


Breathe! It is our best tool – easy and free! If you do nothing else, schedule yourself, make time for deep breathing throughout the day – even a few breaths will trigger a reset in your mind and body. In for 4, hold for 4, out for 6 is a tried-and -true method but anything works!