FRLA Pinellas to Hold Christmas in July Food Drive

[Tampa, Fla] During the month of July, the Pinellas Chapter of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) will partake in their 2nd Annual Christmas in July food drive. Partnering with RCS, whose mission is to feed the hungry, help families facing homelessness return to self-sufficiency and empower survivors of domestic abuse, FRLA Pinellas members will be collecting donations at their businesses to help contribute food to area food banks and pantries facing shortages.

“The summertime is the most critical time for food banks in the United Sates,” explains Pinellas Chapter Regional Director, Dannette Lynch. “Children are home for the summer, increasing the need for more food. Because of the higher demand, food shortages occur and a direct need for more donations increases. Our Christmas in July event encourages our local members to help give back to those in need in our community.”

The FRLA members who participate will receive donation barrels to store their donations throughout the month of July. The Association is encouraging businesses and members to decorate and gift-wrap their donation barrels, similar to how you would a Christmas present. Internally, The Pinellas Chapter will be holding a contest for the most food collected by a business.

For more information on the Christmas in July food drive, contact FRLA Pinellas Chapter Regional Director, Dannette Lynch at 727-643-3404 or