Gov. Rick Scott: More Than One Million New Jobs in Florida

NAPLES, Fla. — Governor Rick Scott announced today that Florida’s private sector has created more than 1 million jobs since December 2010. In November, the private sector added 35,600 jobs across Florida, resulting in 1,011,800 new private sector jobs created in the last five years. Florida’s unemployment rate also dropped to 5.0 percent, the lowest in seven years. Florida’s annual private sector job growth rate, now at 3.6 percent, has exceeded that of the nation since April 2012.

Governor Rick Scott said, “Today, I am proud to announce that Florida’s hardworking businesses have created MORE THAN 1 MILLION JOBS across Florida in just five years. Thanks to our focus on cutting taxes and making it easier for job creators to succeed, our businesses are creating jobs faster than we ever expected. Even though today’s news is great, we have to continue to diversify our economy by cutting $1 billion in taxes and creating the Florida Enterprise Fund so Florida can be FIRST for jobs.”

Governor Scott made the announcement at Azimuth Technologies, a manufacturer founded in Naples. Azimuth has created more than 100 jobs for local families, including 30 new jobs in the past eight months. The company has also saved more than $200,000 from the tax cut on manufacturing equipment, which has allowed them to invest more in growing their businesses and hiring new employees.

Len Zaiser, CEO of Azimuth Technology, said “We are proud to celebrate Azimuth Technology’s continued success in Florida with Governor Scott today. Our company has directly benefitted from the Governor’s commitment to cutting taxes, allowing us to make more investments in purchasing new manufacturing equipment and hiring new team members. We look forward to seeing these tax cuts continue so Azimuth Technology can keep expanding and providing more opportunities in our community.”

The November 2015 unemployment rate is the lowest since January 2008. Florida’s unemployment rate has declined by 5.7 percentage points since December 2010. Florida’s unemployment rate is down by a 0.7 percentage point over the year, and down by a 0.1 percentage point over the month.

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Executive Director Jesse Panuccio said, “In November, Florida’s economy hit two milestones: 1 million private-sector jobs in five years and the highest job demand in our history. This incredible economic recovery has happened because of the leadership of Gov. Scott, who from day one has supported the policies that have helped families get good jobs – tax cuts, a sensible regulatory climate, and major investments in education and infrastructure. If we stay the course, Florida will have the strongest economy in the nation.”

Other positive economic indicators include:

  • Florida’s private sector job growth month-to-month has been positive for 49 consecutive months.
  • Private sector industries gaining the most jobs over the month in November were construction with 10,600 new jobs; trade, transportation, and utilities with 6,500 new jobs; and professional and business services with 6,400 new jobs.
  • Florida job postings showed 299,530 openings in November 2015.
  • Statewide, closed sales for single-family homes in October rose 1.2 percent over-the-year.
  • In November, Florida’s 24 regional workforce boards reported 37,095 Floridians, including 1,827 veterans, were placed in jobs.

To view the November 2015 employment data visit