Press Release: John Morgan Equates Small Businesses to Thieves in Ballot Amendment 2 Debate; Small Business Owner JT Corrales Urges Voters to Vote No on 2 and Save Florida Jobs

In the 2020 David v. Goliath, Small Business Defeated Millionaire Trial Lawyer

Tallahassee, FL — It was the David v. Goliath of 2020 when JT Corrales of Crabby Bill’s in Indian Rocks Beach went up against millionaire trial lawyer John Morgan in a debate about Ballot Amendment 2, the proposed $15 minimum wage.

And just like the original David in the Bible, JT Corrales won decisively, effectively outlining the devastating consequences Ballot Amendment 2 will have on the Sunshine State.

If Ballot Amendment 2 passes, businesses will close, jobs will be lost and workers will lose income. The debate, hosted by the Florida Tiger Bay Clubs Election Series 2020, and moderated by Yvonne Frye, President of the Tampa Bay Tiger Bay Club, was streamed online at noon Friday to Tiger Bay Club members across the state and through Tiger Bay Clubs’ social media channels. Corrales represented Amendment 2 Hurts You, a coalition of businesses and workers fighting to save jobs. Morgan advocated for his self-funded political action committee. During the debate, Morgan referred to small businesses as thieves claiming that “number one in theft is from restaurant owners.”

Morgan also labeled the COVID-19 global health pandemic a “boogeyman.” At the time of the debate, more than 770,000 Floridians have tested positive for COVID-19, and more than 16,000 have died.

Corrales underscored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses: “…Prior to the pandemic, we had 500 members of our team amongst our seven brands in our area. When we got shut down in March and April, in those two very critical months for tourism here in the state, that number essentially went down to zero. …We’ve been able to kind of get back to what we were. I can tell you we are at about 65% of what we were doing before the pandemic… A constitutional amendment is not the way. This [Ballot Amendment 2] will kill jobs, this will raise the cost of living, this will just overall change the way of life for the residents that call the Sunshine State home…It is 100% the wrong time.”

The debate covered a series of topics related to the proposed $15 minimum wage. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of Corrales vs. Morgan on the issues.

Click here to watch the full debate.

Amendment 2 Hurts You is a campaign to raise awareness for the consequences of Ballot Amendment 2 on small businesses, workers and the economy.

Learn more about how Ballot Amendment 2 will devastate Florida:  Online at

Help save Florida jobs by voting no on Ballot Amendment 2 this November.


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230 South Adams St., Ste 200
Tallahassee, FL 32301