Visit Florida Resolution


WHEREAS, the VISIT FLORIDA Board of Directors recognizes and agrees with the need for centralized, top-down, strategic attention to a comprehensive and coordinated approach to the State of Florida’s overall economic development efforts;

WHEREAS, in 2010, the statewide Florida tourism industry hosted 83 million visitors who spent $61 billion and supported 1 million jobs in Florida;

WHEREAS, VISIT FLORIDA provides access to industry engagement and expertise through a 53 member board of directors, an additional 110 members of industry councils, committees and task forces, as well as over 9,300 statewide tourism businesses;

WHEREAS, the private-sector, industry driven nature of VISIT FLORIDA is demonstrated not only by support of the cooperative marketing platforms, but more importantly by active engagement in developing these platforms and then buying into them generating $40+ million in FY 2010-11 alone;

WHEREAS, VISIT FLORIDA is a $1.1 billion destination marketing cooperative matching $350 million from a dedicated funding source of public investment by the State of Florida with $776 million of private investment by thousands of Florida tourism businesses and strategic partners since 1996;

WHEREAS, VISIT FLORIDA has strong brand equity with reach and relevance around the state, around the country and around the world supported by investment in multi-party, multi- year contractual relationships;

WHEREAS, VISIT FLORIDA has been recognized for visionary leadership as the first-ever state destination marketing organization to receive accreditation by the Destination Marketing Association International;

WHEREAS, VISIT FLORIDA has maintained an industry leadership position and momentum through best in class partnerships and practices over a 15-year history;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the VISIT FLORIDA Board of Directors respectfully requests:

  •   VISIT FLORIDA retain its current industry-lead governance fostering broad based industry support and engagement as an autonomous public/private partnership with a dedicated funding source and a strategically aligned contractual relationship to the newly created public/private partnership.

Approved and adopted this 8th day of April, 2011 by the VISIT FLORIDA Board of Directors.