Worker’s Compensation Notice Posters

Rule 69L-6.007, Compensation Notice, Florida Administrative Code, has been adopted and will become effective on January 30, 2011.  The rule adopts the revised workers’ compensation notice posters, including the Spanish version of the poster and updates the information that is required to be included on the poster.  Section 440.40, F.S., requires every employer who has secured workers’ compensation insurance to post in its place of business a workers’ compensation notice and an Anti-Fraud Reward Program notice.  Section 440.40, F.S., also authorizes the Department, by rule, to prescribe the form of the notices and to require carriers to provide the notices to policyholders.

For a transitional period of 90 days from the effective date of the rule, an insurer or self-insurance servicing agent may use the “broken arm” posters identified and adopted in subsection 69L-6.007(1), Florida Administrative Code, or the corresponding poster(s) in effect prior to the adoption of the rule.  After the completion of the 90 day transitional period, only the revised posters adopted in this rule may be used.

Copies of the rule text and the revised workers’ compensation notice posters may be obtained from the Division’s website at

Contact Tasha Carter, Chief, Bureau of Compliance, Division of Workers’ Compensation, 200 E Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL  32399, (850) 413-1878 regarding this rule.